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FFN meetup at Root Connections

Frome Food Network members are invited to visit Root Connections, the market garden in Stratton-on-the-Fosse aiming to end homelessness.

Root Connections, managed by FFN member Sue Cross-Bourton, has the noble past-time of using social and therapeutic horticulture to address the complex needs of those experiencing rough sleeping, long-term unemployment, addiction, mental health issues, crime, and abuse.

In a sesne, the food and flowers they produce are a byproduct of their overall care.

Join us from 10am on Friday the 18th as we tour the site and get a little stuck in with the odd job, all in time for a shared lunch.

Feel free to meet up at Root Connections, or if you’d like a lift from Frome, email Hugh

Since spaces are limited, and our lunch needs to be ordered ahead, please do save your place via Ticket Tailor before 14th August.

20 July

FFN July mixer at The Griffin

15 September

FFN meetup at The Giant’s Garden