FFN July 2024 residency update
Canteen — the communal eating project Frome Food Network is engaging in as part of the Future Shed residency — has had a few tweaks to it since the last major update.
Most importantly, the project is now no longer able to take place at Badgers Hill, as those overseeing things there have drafted in a private catering firm to run the kitchen full-time.
Which somewhat takes us back to the drawing board, as far as a venue is concerned. However, a recent exploratory visit to Trinity Hall has proved promising, and unless any other potential conflicts are found soon, Trinity is currently the frontrunner to host the two Canteen pop-ups later in the year.
Which brings us to dates: Currently earmarked are Friday the 25th of October, and Friday the 15th of November for the first two pop-ups. Any further ones may happen if budget (and collective energy) allows.
This means there’s still plenty of time to research and plan the project. Which, for instance, has involved consulting local stakeholders such as Frome Medical Practice, who recently offered some interesting insights into the health and nutritional landscape of Frome.
As for upcoming meetings specific to FFN members though, those are now in the diary for 8th August, 5th September, 18th September (noon), 3rd October, and 14th October. Which will be at 7:30pm at Edventure, unless otherwise noted via the newsletter, Mighty Networks, or FFN WhatsApp group. Anyone can come along and contribute, or simply be a fly on the wall.
Also speaking of meetings, recently the line has come a bit too blurred between meetings (i.e. with a certain agenda or order of ‘business’) and socials (i.e. networking events for those involved in food locally). This will be remedied from the next FFN social, likely taking place towards the end of the summer. If you would like to host an evening social, drop me a line and let’s organise something together.